値下げ交渉不可。写真6枚目は参考画像になります。5-26【ディズニー設立100周年記念カラーヴァイナル】ガラスの靴。魔法が解けても、その輝きは消えない。女性達の憧れ、『シンデレラ』のサウンドトラックからの音源を収録。ポリッシュド・マーブル・カラーヴァイナルA1.Main Title / Cinderella - From Cinderella / Soundtrack VersionA2.A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes - From Cinderella / Soundtrack VersionA3.The Music Lesson / Oh, Sing Sweet Nightingale / Bad Boy Lucifer / A Message From His Majesty - From Cinderella / Soundtrack VersionA4.Little Dressmakers / The Work Song / Scavenger Hunt / A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes / The Dress / My Beads / Escape To The Garden - From Cinderella / Soundtrack VersionB1.Where Did I Put That Thing / Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (The Magic Song) - From Cinderella / Soundtrack VersionB2.Reception At The Palace / So This Is Love - From Cinderella / Soundtrack VersionB3.Locked In The Tower / Gus And Jaq To The Rescue / Slipper Fittings / Cinderella's Slipper / Finale - From Cinderella / Score Versio